> Do you think that radeon FB support is generally broke in 2.6? That
> would be bad, because I've the very same situation as
> you've described:
> Laptop, Radeon plus TFT display running best @ 1400x1050.

That is interesting...  I have an Asus L3800S, with a Radeon mobility
7500.  I have tried a few 2.5 kernels, and the 2.6-test1 kernel, but
to no avail.  Autodetection gives a totally warped and unreadable text
screen, and all 1400x1050 parameter settings I could think of (playing
with color depth and refresh rate) did not work either.  Some of the
1280x1024 modes did work.

What laptop/LCD/Radeon do you have?


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