On Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 04:14:23PM -0700, Pat Kerwan wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 06:42:35PM -0400, gabriel wrote:
> > you mentioned that this feature can enlarge a binary...  does this mean i'll
> > take a performance hit?  i only ask 'cause if this is not the case, i'll 
> > recompile everything i have with these options...
> > 
> No.  The binary simply contains additional data that is used by
> debuggers so it will know where to find variables, functions, and map
> instruction addresses to file and line number (or the other way
> around), and things of that nature.

   And more to the point, said information is not even loaded into memory
unless you have a debugger running on the program; it only takes up space
on the disk, not in RAM.  So aside from a possible but tiny increase in
load time, it won't affect performance at all.

Bryan Feir           VA3GBF|"A half-truth, like a half-brick, is more forcible
Home:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | in an argument than a whole one...
                           | it carries further."     -- Stephen Leacock

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