Gentoo does not under any circumstances have any requirement to disclose 
publicly its financial information, let alone its actions with the money 
you specifically donated.

Of course some people will be concerned with the private activities of 
individuals in/from Gentoo who will in turn receive their money, and use 
retohric like, "I don't want some child molester to get my money," or "What 
if they're providing funding to Al Queada's shoulder launched nuclear 
weapons program," or no this, none of that, blah blah blah.

The root of the matter is that when you donate money to Gentoo, you are 
rewarding the organization, and more specifically the _VOLUNTEERS_ who 
produce, manage, and develop Portage for your person use.  The question 
regarding your donation should not be, "Those bastards better not be 
handing my money off to terrorists," instead it should be, "Do I appreciate 
the product they produced that I'm using right now?"

Besides, you're doing more support of terrorists by buying gasoline than 
you are by donating money to people who provide you with free software.

You don't ask the cashier at your local convenience store what the hell 
they do with their paycheck every evening because if they spend it on porn 
you sure as hell aren't supporting THAT store anymore, do you?  (If you 
do.. get help).


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