Kurt Lieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Fri, Aug 15, 2003 at 07:31:44PM +0000 or thereabouts, Louis C. Candell wrote:
>> I wouldnt expect monetary compensation from Debian (GNU/Linux),
>> because they are non-profit, but Gentoo, on the other hand, is
>> trying to make a buck not only from it's users, but from the people
>> who are pouring sweat and blood into the outcome of this project.
> This is so patently false and misleading as to be offensive.  Please kindly
> get your facts straight before posting complete and total FUD to the
> mailing list.

How am I posting FUD into [EMAIL PROTECTED], when my posts were
showing nothing other than concern and were full of questions trying
to get facts concerning gentoo's financials from a reliable source?


FUD stands for Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt.

It is a marketing technique used when a competitor launches a product that is
both better than yours and costs less, i.e. your product is no longer
competitive. Unable to respond with hard facts, scare-mongering is used via
'gossip channels' to cast a shadow of doubt over the competitors offerings and
make people think twice before using it.

Location: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Hills/9267/fuddef.html


My posts, Kurt, ask questions which should be answered in a
professional manner, and you shouldnt try and discredit my 700+ lines
of text, by using *four* lines from my posts and ignoring the rest of
the 700+ lines asking specific questions to clear up any 'FUD' which
many users, including myself (tax man), might have of Gentoo
Technologies, Inc. 

In case you did not notice, I even *stated* a few times that I hope
these are misconceptions on my part, and wish them to be cleared up by
someone with internal knowledge of GTI, and my want of nothing other
than success to GTI, as well as nothing other than concern for Gentoo
Developers and Users alike. In case you didnt notice, I stated how I
stopped using FreeBSD and use Gentoo exclusively. I even stated I
would be >>>>> *MORE THAN HAPPY* <<<<< to give GTI money, if GTI had a
means of showing how our $$$$$$$$$ is being used towards the Gentoo
Community. If that isn't a sign of support towards GTI and their
continuing efforts, then I dont know what is.

In case you missed my questions, you can reference the following:

   * Location: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.user/43186/match=
   * Location: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.user/43237/match=

Here is a snippet from a post by Daniel Robbins in response to a
developer named John Davis:



>> I am very sorry if I have offended you Daniel, but I am not on the
>> offensive against you or Gentoo. If you wish to take disciplinary action
>> against me, so be it, just realize that you are setting a precedent for 
>> Gentoo, a precedent that is loathed by all. 
>> I'm not taking disciplinary action against you, I'm trying to
>> users don't get treated as second-class citizens by
>> developers. 

Honestly,I have a real problem with our developers telling users what
they should think, or chewing them out just because they have a strong
opinion that do not happen to be the one you were hoping they would

For the future of Gentoo, users should tell *us* what they want to
see, and we should at least listen politely. If you don't agree, you
should make an effort to express the disagreement professionally
without labeling them as flamers or their opinions as invalid. 

That's not constructive conversation. And developers should actively
participate in the process that already exists. If you're going to be
interacting with users, you should be asking them what they think.

   * Location: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.devel/10189/match= 


Did you notice my posts were wishing and wanting Gentoo success, and
*NOT* a put down of GTI in any way, shape or form? Did you not notice
me asking genuine questions, which I'm sure I'm not the only one

We, the Users are telling you what we want to see, and should *never*
carry a response of, "Your post is full of FUD" when posts show
nothing other than concern over Gentoo's future and point out a lack
of knowledge with questions to clear up any misconceptions by our
part. Not to mention point out Gentoo's strong user / developer base
and money making potential.

Your 'FUD' response trying to discredit my posts is irresponsible
behavior as a lead and *very* important developer in our community,
considering you completely ignored the rest of my posts 700+ lines to
get the last word in, without answering questions which were asked to
END THE DRAMA of people continually asking where donations go, and how
they are used within the business.

But I'm sure you scanned through my posts and soaked in what you
wanted to soak in, so maybe you can take the time out of your busy
schedule to reread what I posted and answer the questions, so there is
a clear record for future gentoo users asking the same questions to

Dont respond to a message if you dont have the time to hit every
question asked by a *satisfied* Gentoo user, otherwise, your response
is posted in a biased manner trying to get what *you* want to get
across and taints the whole thread as the poster being a troll or a
FUD'er. I dont think I've ever been anything *other* than positive
towards GTI, so you should take my comments, questions and suggestions
as nothing other than trying to improve GTI and the users
understandings of the inner workings of GTI. If you dont like what I
ask or state in posts, then you should reread Daniel's response up
above and follow the same format.

I am a user of GTI's services, which technically makes me a client AND
a prospective contributor of funds, so respond with respect and
without resentment and your simple and biased, "Louis, SHUT UP."
response towards my questions and concerns over the lifetime enjoyment
of *YOUR* product - Gentoo Linux.

By the way, I received the GWN for this week through email, which
contained the following:

5. Heard in the Community
Disabling Anti-Aliasing in Evolution 

Console Framebuffers and Nvidia drivers 

Donations to Gentoo 
Donating to the Gentoo project is a great way to help our favorite distro 
get even better. Gentoo-user list member Tom Wesley posted a simple 
question asking where the donations "go". It may have not been the most 
liked thread on the list this week, but it was definitely the largest. 
Read it  here [24] . 


But it seems to be conveniently missing from the web version:

* Location: http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gwn/20030818-newsletter.xml

Why is it missing from the web version? Why is it available in the
email format, but not through the web version which *everyone* can
read and digest in a more appropriate fashion?

Louis C. Candell

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