> http://news.gmane.org/onethread.php?group=gmane.linux.gentoo.user&root=%3C2
> 00308142213.35578.tawesley%40yahoo.com%3E
> But it seems to be conveniently missing from the web version:
> * Location: http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gwn/20030818-newsletter.xml
> Why is it missing from the web version? Why is it available in the
> email format, but not through the web version which *everyone* can
> read and digest in a more appropriate fashion?

Hey Louis,

I can answer for that.  I'm the GWN contributor for that section (i.e. I
wrote that)  and I can vouch for Yugi (the Editor).   He lives in Japan,
and pushed out this issue of the GWN in a pinch, as he had a flight the
same day heading to the US for college.  I'm sure it was an honest
mistake.  The "draft" he sent out missed all kinds of sections.

Kurt's actually subbing for the next issue, until Yuji can get reliable
internet access again.

There is no conspiracy going on :)


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