Very interesting link.  So, I would say that the capabilities are there
and just need to be communicated.  Another person in this thread (Jason
Stubbs, I believe) mentioned something to the effect that packages like
glibc may break stuff if they are updated.  Does this mean that its
developers don't maintain backward compatibility?  

Also, just how important is it to upgrade your packages?  I mean, for
example, I just like fooling around with Linux on an old desktop I have
and I installed it on an old laptop (PII-266) to milk more mileage out
it on my train commute to work every day.  Basically, I use e-mail,
Gnumeric, Abiword, a browser and play CDs/MP3s on it.  If it just works
for me, should I be concerned about upgrading these packages whenever a
new version comes along or should I just keep using it while it's
stable?  Just some thoughts.

-----Original Message-----
From: Heschi Kreinick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2003 7:07 AM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] auto Emerge world

> I've been following this thread and it occurs to me that doing an auto
> emerge world might be better handled if there was some way to
> this a print a log of what would be updated.  It could even be a
> menu-driven process allowing you to choose what to update.  Does this
> sound feasible?  As I said, I am not a programmer so this might be
> totally useless thinking.  Just trying to be helpful.
Take a look at bemerge and femerge.

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