On Wednesday 10 September 2003 07:24, Davide Brini wrote:
> Hello everybody, here are some doubts I have.
> 1. In my /etc/make.conf, I have "-O3" for CFLAGS, but I see that some
> packages still compile using "-O2". Is this behavior intentional, for
> example because the package or ebuild author thinks that using "-O3" whit
> that package would be unsafe?

most times: yes

> Sometimes also I see, while a package is being compiled, that the
> compilation command line has both "-O2" and "-O3" in it. In this case, what
> is the optimization actually used?

man gcc says, that when multiple -OX are used, the last one is the one that is 

> 2. Since a recent Nvidia kernel module update, two or three days ago, I see
> the following line in my log when I start X:
> Sep 10 08:40:08 kermit kernel: 0: nvidia: loading NVIDIA Linux x86 nvidia.o
> Kernel Module  1.0-4363  Sat Apr 19 17:46:46 PDT 2003
> Sep 10 08:40:09 kermit kernel: 0: NVRM: not using NVAGP, AGPGART is
> loaded!!
> I've not recompiled the kernel recently, and glxinfo still says direct
> rendering is enabled. Should I worry about that message?

this means, that the nvidia module uses the kernel AGPGART instead of NvAGP. 
That is fine, no problem.

> 3. In the virtual console I launch X from, KDE often writes some warning,
> like these:
> WARNING: KDE detected X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) \x08
> Major opcode:  *
> WARNING: KDE detected X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) \x08
> Major opcode:  *
> kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KActionCollection::KActionCollection( QObject
> *parent, const char *name, KInstance *instance )
> QDate::setYMD: Invalid date 139534236-1093768487--1073750552
> Apart from this, everything semms to work fine. Should I worry about this?

As long as everything works fine: no.
But you could write a bug report.

Glück Auf

 In a straight-up fight, the Empire squashes the Federation like a bug. Even 
with its numerical advantage removed, the Empire would still squash the 
Federation like a bug. Accept it. -Michael Wong

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