On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 23:20:19 -0700 (PDT)
Joshua Banks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey Alan,
> I just installed Gentoo on a new machine and just did the first
> "emerge sync" and I started fixpages at 9:11 pm and its exactly
> 11:11pm and fix packages isn't done yet.. I'm a little mystified as
> well. The only thing that I have installed rightnow is KDE and
> XFREE.....and that was off the LiveCD via GRP...
> I wish there was a better explantion of fixpackages because its always
> been dog slow for me and I can't seem to find any NON-Engineering
> explantion of why it spits out some of the things that it does and
> what fixpackages is actally doing that needs 2 hrs to do it on fastass
> system. Yours is a little beefier than mine but its very compairable.
> I've alwasy gotten this:
> Cannot update binary:
> Destination exists:
> !!! app-admin/gentoolkit-0.1.30 -> app-portage/gentoolkit-0.1.30
> -Unquote
> OK...So what the hell does this mean and what if anything do I need to
> do about it because"Fixpackages" doesn't fix crap....I get this same
> message no matter how many times that I run it..

> --- Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On one of my machines doing a portage update is slow, horribly,
> > painfully, slow.  The rsync itself is fine, but after that, the
> > "updating portage cache" is slow, but if there are any packages to
> > move around with the "global updates" (fixpackages) it is amazingly
> > slow. Rough calculations gives a minute to two minutes between each
> > "*" that indicate some data written on the hard drive.  Slow like
> > I'm using a 286 to copy gigs of data around.  
> > 
> > The update I'm doing right now has taken 10 minutes or more, and
> > it's still just updating one package!
> > 
> > My system is no speed demon, but it's not a slouch either.  Celeron
> > 533, 128mb ram, with the root partition being RAID0, 2 SCSI 2G
> > drives attached to an old Adaptec 2940 Ultra SCSI adapter.  
> > 
> > A check of hdparm shows that I'm only getting around 10mb/s transfer
> > with the RAID, and individually about 5mb/s, but that is typical I 
> > think of the fact that it's older hardware, but still...
> > 
> > The rest of the system "feel"s just fine.  I can copy a 28mb kernel
> > tarball in 3.55s within the same drive, and 3.65 to the IDE drive I
> > have in the system for storage.  Other portage operations, emerging
> > packages etc also feel fine, and in line with the speed of the
> > system.
> > 
> > The system itself is a webserver that has apache, postfix, squid,
> > samba and not much else running (squid is caching onto the root
> > drive BTW). If it was a windows system I'd be checking for adware
> > running in the background or defragging my hard drive, but it's ext3
> > :) The system has been up for 60 days, so it hasn't been fscked in a
> > while, but based on what I've seen of linux filesystems, it's not a
> > defrag issue :)
> > 
> > Any thoughts?   Specs and benchmarks below.  If anyone can suggest a
> > 
> > way to speed this up, or a suggestion as to why it would be so slow,

I would suggest that one of you gentlemen open a bugzilla for this.  Go
to the gentoo home page, select bugs, register a bugzilla account, read
about how to post a bug, and open a new bugzilla for this behavior.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
if you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the 
worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.

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