Awesome Marius... :P

Your previous explanation, in my opinion, is better than any that I've come accrossed 
on the
Gentoo Forums so far. Most people seemed to be grabbing at thin air trying to comeup 
with an
explantion as to why fixpackages seemed so slow.

Thanks again. Appreciate your time.

Joshua Banks
--- Marius Mauch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 09/14/03  Marius Mauch wrote:
> > Now the fact that fixpackages is so slow is because to update this
> > information the .tbz2 needs to be uncompressed, then the information
> > can be updated and then it needs to be recompressed. This takes some
> > time for 1 or 2 GB of data. I'm currently trying to optimize the code
> > a bit, but I think for a dramatic improvement we would have to drop
> > the current.tbz2 format (so we can save the uncompress-recompress
> > steps) itself which is unlikely to happen anytime soon.
> Ok, answering to myself: looks as if I was wrong about the speed
> bottleneck in fixpackages. The uncompress/recompress is not the thing
> that takes most of the time, it seems to be the fact that the actual
> changing is done in a shellscript and the launch of about 2 dozen
> processes for each .tbz2/update-entry combination kills the performance.
> I ported this shellscript to python and integrated it in (the
> portage corefile) and it increased the performance about factor 8
> (little test with 4 .tbz2 packages). Still have to check if that change
> has any side-effects, if not I think it will be integrated in one of the
> next portage versions.
> Marius
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> In the beginning, there was nothing. And God said, 'Let there be
> Light.' And there was still nothing, but you could see a bit better.

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