Hello, all,

I've recently emerge'd mlDonkey, and very pleased with it I am, too. I have shared the /home/p2p/.mldonkey/incoming folder by Samba, so I can collect completed files over the LAN, but this has raised a couple of questions:

- How do I change the umask that mlDonkey writes files with..? I want files world (or at least group) writable, so I can delete them over SMB from my workstation when I've moved them somewhere else.

- Looking to fix this, I noticed that files in this directory were owned by the user p2p, so took a look in /etc/passwd for this user. Looking at some of the entries:
stroller:x:1000:100:Joe Stroller,,,,[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/stroller:/bin/bash

- Should proftpd & p2p really be high user numbers..? Shouldn't they be low, below 500 like apache & portage..?

- Shouldn't p2p's login shell be set to /bin/false..? (I thought /bin/true was more correct, but every other daemon uses /bin/false, so I'm happy with that).

- Is this a bug, should I file it..?


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