On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 04:12:49 +0100, Stroller wrote:

> - How do I change the umask that mlDonkey writes files with..? I want
> files world (or at least group) writable, so I can delete them over SMB
> from my workstation when I've moved them somewhere else.

        There may be a better way, but I'd just use "chmod" for this.  If the
directory is owned by p2p of group p2p, and you use "chmod 6766 incoming",
then all new files created there by any user (except root) will be owned
by user p2p.p2p and have modes 766 (rwxrw-rw-).  All users will be able to
remove files from there; if you don't want that, use 7766 instead and only
the directory's owner will be able to remove them.  I use this for some
common directories to make sure all the files are owned by one person, no
matter who puts them there.

        See "man 1 chmod" for the gory details, particularly the parts on "suid",
"sgid", and "sticky bit".

        Sorry I can't help with the other questions.  :)
// Carl Hudkins :: Jabber [EMAIL PROTECTED] :: PGP 50238D9E
// "German beer is chemical-free / Germany's all right with me!"
//                                --"Why Aye Man", Mark Knopfler

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