Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your advice.

I took another round with following result;

# emerge -K genkernel
# emerge gentoo-sources
# genkernel
* Running "make oldconfig"...              [ ok ]
* Logging to /var/log/genkernel.log...  [ ok ]
* Starting 2.4.20-gaming-r3 build...     [ ok ]
* Running "make dep"...                      [ ok ]
* Running "make bzImage"...                 [ ok ]
* Running "make modules"...      

It hanged here for more than 45 minutes compelling me to switch off the
PC.  From 'Running "make dep"' to 'Running "make bzImage"' and then to
'Running "make modules"' it was very slow.  Each took at least 30
minutes or even more.

I am prepared to have another round and expect to clarify following

If switching off the PC after "Code listing 16.2: Emerging genkernel",
is it necessary to start from "Code listing 6.3: Starting up fdisk"
again.  Or just

# mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/gentoo
# mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/gentoo/boot

and continue on the Step (Code listing) where I stopped 

(Remark: I will setup broadband connection again)

I did not make any change at Step-10 (Setting Gentoo optimizations 
(make.conf)) and have no idea what to change "make.conf"

After Step-10 as mentioned in point 2) above, I jumped to Step-13 
(Starting from Stage3) skipping Stage1 and Stage2.  Any omission?

Step-16. Installing the kernel and system logger

Whether I need these steps
# emerge -k genkernel
# emerge -k gentoo-sources
# genkernel

OR just perform
# emerge gentoo-sources
# genkernel

I suppose that I can omit 'Manual kernel configuration' and all
process thereafter and jump to Step-17 "Installing miscellaneous 
necessary packages"

Step-21. Final Network Configuration
I use RealTek RTL-8139 (Filand NIC).  Shall I make any change here.

Kindly advise.  Any comment would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


On Fri, 2003-09-19 at 21:18, Andrew Gaffney wrote:
> Stephen Liu wrote:
> > Hi Jason, Marius and others
> > 
> > Thanks for your advice.
> > 
> > I made another round and still met with problem as follows;
> > 
> > 1) unpack the portage snapshot
> > 2) upto step 15 - without complaint
> > 3) # emerge -k genkernel
> > .....
> > ....
> > -- !empty dir /usr/share/doc/genkernel-1.5
> > -- !empty dir /usr/share/doc
> > -- !empty dir /usr/share
> > -- !empty dir /usr/sbin
> > -- !empty dir /usr
> > -- !empty dir /etc
> > ...
> > ..
> > sys-kernel/genkernel
> > selected: none
> > protected: 1.5
> > omitted: none
> > ...
> > ..
> > 
> > # genkernel
> > /usr/src/linux doesn't seem to exist.  Please emerge your favorite
> > kernel source tree first.
> Try 'emerge gentoo-sources' or 'emerge vanilla-sources' first.

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