> On Monday 13 October 2003 05:05 pm, Daniel Wood wrote:
> > Thanks for the replies, and sorry for the confusion...
> >
> > Brett : the issue is actually step 6 of the installation where I
> > cannot see my sata drives to partition, etc.
> >
> > So to be clear here it is :
> >
> > I have a Biostar IDEQ 200N with a VIA VT6420 SATA RAID controller
> > in it.
> >
> > the machine has two, completely blank, new sata drives plugged into
> > channel0 and channel1 of SATA controller and a dvd player/recorder.
> >
> > I stick in the live-cd, it boots nicely (looks great btw), and I
> > end up at root's bash prompt.  Networking working great, things
> > look good.
> >
> > At this point, according to step 6 of the install
> > (http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/gentoo-x86-install.xml#doc_chap6), I
> > need to fdisk to create partitions.  Ahhhh the rub, I don't have
> > any hard-drives showing up in /dev.  I've got /dev/hdc -> dvd
> > player, but that's it.
> >
> > My fairly safe guess is that the VIA VT6420 SATA RAID controller
> > isn't 'detected' and thus, neither are my drives.  My
> > googling/foruming/MI has indicated that there are other kernels
> > which *might* detect this controller.
> >
> > But...  how to use?
> >
> > If I cannot have access to the drives at all, what--if
> > anything--can I do to actually use an alternative kernel (i.e. one
> > that's not on the liveCD)?
> >
> > I thought about the knopplix (sp?) boot disk to see if it detected
> > the controller (people seem to indicate that it detects alot of
> > hardware), but then I wouldn't know what to do if it did :)
> >
> > Now, as I write this, one additional thing comes to mind:
> >
> > If I choose to boot the smp-nofb kernel, I get an additional
> > message during bootup.  I'm not at the computer now, so I cannot
> > even confirm that it is at all related, but I recall it saying
> > something about something-something IRQ 7 something-something
> > (that's embarrassing, but that's all I can recall).
> >
> > Thanks in advance everyone!
> > daniel
> >
> > On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 13:27, brett holcomb wrote:
> > > During the install you are given a chance to build a
> > > kernel.  You'll have to do an ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~arch"
> > > emerge kernel you want.  Check portage for the kernels
> > > available.


> On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 15:23, Ernie Schroder wrote:
> assuming Knoppix did boot and see the sata drives, uname will tell you 
> the kernel vision and cat /proc/config will show you the config of 
> the running kernel. Seems to me to be worth a shot.

I'm downloading KNOPPIX_V3.3-2003-09-24-EN.iso now; 708megs to go.  I'll
post back with that information.  

If I assume that the Knoppix detects the drives and I get their kernel
version and config, how do I actually go about using that information? 
Remember, the machine has no accessible harddrive and nothing
installed...  Since I've got time (lots of time) while the iso
downloads, I'm just trying to see my way through this.

Will I be able to 'unmount' the Knoppix cd, jam in the gentoo cd, and
pick up at step 6 of the installation?

Thanks again everyone.


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