You probably won't want to hear this, but I would *never* buy an
HP/Compaq computer of any sort unless I had an enterprise support
agreement.  My experience with HP/Compaq hardware is that they use
crappy components which break all the time, and then they try to get you
to pay them for legitimate warranty repairs or to weasle out of the

Indeed, I have the same experience with HP.
If something breaks during guarantee, they are looking to find some reason you shoud pay.
If it breakes after, you can throw it to the garbage container, beacause repair cost is usually
between 50-75% of new one ...

My personal experience is, that self made PC is MUCH better than any "brand mark" ...
because I put inside componets, which I like to, and 100% linux supported.
For the same price I'll have more powerfull PC.

I exerienced also, that new added HDD or RAM were not working if not buy
from PC vendor , i.e. BIOS is recognizing it cames from compettition and reject it !
(It's quite common stratewgy in between big players ... M$ is doing the same
with SW on X box, and planning to use it on usual PC as well.)


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