On Wednesday 22 October 2003 10:14 am, Kurt Bechstein wrote:
> However, if I bought a new one today I would get a IBM Thinkpad.  Those
> things are built like tanks and Linux usually works without a hitch on
> them.  They are sometimes a bit more pricey but it is usually well worth
> it.  Just my $0.02.

I've had a couple of IBM Thinkpads (380D and T21), both run Gentoo fairly 
well.  There has only been one application that consistently does not work on 
the 380D; as it turns out, the application exihibits the same behaviour under 
both wine and Win NT.  I use Gentoo as my primary OS without too many major 
problems.  I do have a time getting some things working because some the 
software is not quite as mature as I would like, but most things I can do 
just as well, or in some cases, better than MS-Windows.

I also like the Thinkpads for the TrackPoint (the little red dot) instead of 
the touchpad.  The touchpad does not do very well for me when I'm bouncing 
the the road; too many false "clicks" with the touchpad.

Just a couple of thoughts,


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