   My main Gentoo box was hung this morning. It's been up and running fine
for 6 months at least. This is the third time it hung this week. When hung
the mouse and keyboard would not work, so I couldn't get past xscreensaver.
ssh did not respond so I couldn't even come in from another machine to look
around. The front power switch didn't work, so basically my wife had to just
pull the plug for me.

   How do I debug this problem after the fact? There is nothing in
/var/log/messages, and nothing particularly strange in dmesg.

   Applications I'm pretty sure were running when it hung were gkrellm,
setiathome, and whatever gconf/benobo stuff is left over after Evolution has
run and exited. (Does anyone know how to kill that stuff, other than kill?)
I Can certainly not run those and see if the problem goes away, but that
could take weeks since this only happens once in a while.

   I'm thinking that this may be due to something emerged in the last week
of so. How can I check what I've emerged since Oct. 1st?

Thanks in advance,

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