On 2003.10.28 11:49, Hall Stevenson wrote:
At 10:52 AM 10/28/2003, you wrote:
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 23:09:39 -0800, Spider muttered:
> As you see in the message, you need to run :
> export USE="gtk2"
> emerge mozilla

Uh, no. That'll emerge all the following packages with gtk2 as well, which
could cause havoc with packages that don't have gtk2 100% ready yet. You'd
want to do something more like

USE=gtk2 emerge mozilla


I've seen "export USE="gtk2", "emerge mozilla" suggested before and thought it was a bad idea too. Until you logout and back in, that $USE variable remains in effect. How would "emerge -u gaim", which I believe has NO GTK2 support yet, handle that ??

gaim has only gtk2 support as of 0.60 and above. Because there is only the one option, it does not recognize the gtk2 USE flag.

"USE=gtk2 emerge mozilla" means to use the $USE variable for _this command only_. Correct ?? Just checked the "Gentoo Guide to USE Flags", http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/use-howto.xml, and the one-line method is given there too.

Since he is emerging gnome 2.4, I would assume most, if not all emerged applications would support only gtk2 (except xmms. why is that still a dependancy?). I've been using the gtk2 flag since I first heard of it (shortly after gnome 2.0 went stable) and havent had any problems. Even the gtk2 version of sylpheed-claws works rather well.


Chris I

Buy a Pentium III so you can reboot faster.

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