begin  quote
On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 12:54:34 -0800 (PST)
> I suppose then there may be interest in any Flag/Package combinations
> I find to be not workable.  Perhaps on gentoo-dev?

Not really. We can't go around and babysit, and the overhead is too
great IMO.  We fend off the most common ones, but ignore the rest.

> This brings up 1 more question (you're probably not going to
> like)...if there's a custom patch (possibly private - say for
> preferred keybindings or something) I'd like to apply to a package
> before this possible as well?

"edit the build" is the only way.  Adding the patch in ${FILESDIR}  and
adding a patch< ${FILESDIR}/kill-the-popups.diff   in src_unpack should

i'd recommend doing a local overlay of said ebuild first (check
etc/make.conf ) since it will be wiped in the next sync if you don't.

> What other OS than Linux would linuxfromscratch be?  I DO admit that I
> did minimum testing on I probably shouldn't have said
> "stable", more like "it booted".

"ptah"    Your statement wasn't particularly clear wether you performed
said testing in LFS or Gentoo.  now you've clarified, but as you state
you didn't check functionality, and certainly didn't check
five-dependencies down for "proper functionality" . (libxml2 +
scrollkeeper for example ;)


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