On Sat, 2003-11-29 at 15:38, Ernie Schroder wrote:
> On Saturday 29 November 2003 05:28 pm, Marshal Newrock wrote:
> > On Sat, 29 Nov 2003, Ernie Schroder wrote:
> > > Thanks for the help so far... the box crashed again after about
> > > 3.5 hrs. Top and ps aux show nothing of help. Does anyone have
> > > any idea of how else I can track this down?
> >
> > In a word, memtest86.
> Memtest86 passes without error or crash, for that matter. But, good 
> point. I tried that yesterday.  Hmmm. it's been up 4 1/2 hrs now. 
> That's the best so far today.

   Hi. Sorry for your troubles. I'm having very much the same problems.
I haven't solved them, but I'm making headway.

   In my case the situation seems very similar. The machine's been up
for maybe 8 months and has been very stable. I've run setiathome on this
box since I built it. I've never had problems until the last few weeks.
Starting 3-4 weeks ago the machine has been crashing a lot. It's hung
with no keyboard or mouse. I cannot ssh into it. Only a reset gets it
going again. memtest86 runs for a day with no errors found. 

   In my case, since the machine fails more when setiathome is running,
folks here suggested that heat was the culprit. I thought that was a
reasonable idea, so I set up lmsensors and took some data. My CPU fan is
variable speed, and I was setting it very slow. Here's the temp data I

Fan     Idle            Seti 
Speed   Machine         Running
(RPM)   (Deg. C)        (Deg. C)

1940    66.4            77
2150    64.4            74
2460    61              70.4
2960    59              65
4272    55.4            59.4

   I took this data just before I left for Thanksgiving, so I haven't
really finished, but I ran setiathome for a while (2 hours) with the
4272RPM setting and it didn't crash, but that's no proof. 

   At this point I'm going to run for a while without using setiathome
and a low fan setting and see if it crashes. If it doesn't, then it's
either heat by itself, or possibly heat combined with somethign like
setiathome with my current make.conf options, triggers some problem.

   I'd be interested in whether you've tried to get some data like this?
As I say, this machine was stable all through the summer running
setiathome when the house was warmer. It didn't crash. Now it's winter,
the house is cooler, but the machine is crashing.

- Mark

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