On 2003-11-30, Noir wrote:
> Also, checking the /bin & /sbin I know the system is installed w/ less than 
> bare minimum tools. 
Thank god for that, I hate it when I get a lot of software installed
that I don't need or don't even like. Unfortunately this still happens
when installing KDE for example.

> Stuffs like mutt/ postfix/ procmail/ fetchmail/ vim 
> etc. are not installed yet. I did some installation for lynx/ netcat/ 
> iptables etc. w/ emerge -k. But is there any way to  have a system w/ 
> bare-minimum stuffs w/o typing emerge -k 100 times!
You don't have to do it a hundred times, do this instead:

#emerge mutt postfix procmail fetchmail vim


/// Helgi Örn Helgason, Registered GNU/Linux User: #189958 \\\
\\\ ~~~~~~~ Gentoo 1.4 * Kernel 2.4.20 * KDE 3.1.4 ~~~~~~~ ///

Excellent day to have a rotten day.

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