-- Martin wrote:
> You need to rescan your SCSI-Bus for new devices (USB-Devies use the 
> SCSI structur of th kernel ...
> I do that job with a script from SuSE ... it is called rescan-scsi-bus.sh
> here is it :
>     http://www.garloff.de/kurt/linux/rescan-scsi-bus.sh
> or have a look at google to find it

I have downloaded the script and rescan scsi bus with it
but it get my system hang each time I run it,
I tried to run it several times

/dev/sda1 still not a valid block device

I use 32MB Microlab memory stick, it work well with Redhat 8.0 
I recompile the kernel with scsi support, usb support but it does'nt help
Any other idea?

> it creates for you the nodes and makes them usable ... (or update to 
> Kernel 2.6 there is a new system which is working well ...)

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