thanx for the responses to my query yesterday (repeated below).
i also had a look at the Nvidia Linux forum, which was depressing:
 12  screens of msgs revealed  3 - 4  users w my problem (or close),
but no-one w any clue what mb wrong!  based on that & better help here,
i've tried some things out as systematically as i cd.

(1) 'modprobe nvidia' does seem to make some difference:
it creates the  /dev  &  /proc/driver/nvidia  entries,
but can cause a problem if 'Option "NvAGP" "n"' has an inappropriate value.

(2) leaving the 'nv' driver in XF86Config simply ignores the Nvidia stuff.

(3) adding 'mem=nopentium' to the boot line in Lilo achieves nothing:
this was mentioned twice (at least) on the hopeless N-L forum.

(4) changing BIOS settings made no difference: i have a Soyo Dragon Ultra,
which allows increasing the 'AGP driving value' & enabling
'DBI output for AGP trans' w an 8x card like mine (at least nothing blew up).

(5) setting 'Option "NvAGP" "2"' in XF86Config got a line in the log file
'failed to verify AGP usage' (i kept all the X log files, properly numbered).

(6) setting that to "0" or omitting it while not issuing 'modprobe nvidia'
got furthest & allowed me to get a vivid picture of what's happening:
w both KDE (a session w lots running) & XFCE (my everyday preference),
i was able to get 'top' started, enter 'P' (to order by CPU use)
& also get Gkrellm going: X is fluctuating wildly every few seconds
-- varying  0 - 30 - 99 % CPU  -- , while 'eth0' is also doing a lot (?!):
on XFCE i had nothing else running (KDE had a number of things),
but Eth0, wh sb the mobo I/net connection, was fluctuating too
& roughly at those times when the CPU was quiet.  however,
after a couple of minutes both stalled, presumably w CPU = 100 % .

so does anyone have any further thoughts or suggestions ?
i've got adequate 3D rendering, eg for Xscreensaver, via CPU & software,
but it does heat up the CPU, wh i'ld rather avoid.

is there any hope that things mt improve w the arrival of production 2.6 ?

031206 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> i've been trying to get hardware graphics acceleration working.
> i've read the dox & looked at the more obvious things (i hope).
> my graphics card is 'GeForce4 MX440 w AGP 8x'.
> i tried using Gentoo's emerges 'nvidia-kernel' & 'nvidia-glx';
> in XF86Config, i commented 'load "dri"' & changed to 'Driver "nvidia"';
> i also did 'opengl-update nvidia' & 'modprobe nvidia'.
> 'startx' started KDE, but once started it became very slow, then stopped.

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TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto

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