You're starting a religous war by asking that <G>. I will pass on my experiences for what they are worth. Disclaimer - I am NOT dissing any other file systems. You pick what works for the job and fits your needs.

I ran ext2 on previous boxes. With Gentoo I started using XFS on all my filesystems. I did this after checking newsgroups,etc. and getting feedback from those who run servers for a living and must protect the data. I have been very happy with it. I haven't lost data and it runs checks quickly.

However, there is no file system that will not loose data - you just reduce the chance of it. So make sure you have backups!

On Fri, 12 Dec 2003 16:03:34 +0100
 Redeeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i am looking for a filesystem where its almost impossible to loose data,
i experience power loss quite often and i HAAATTTEEE when the filesystem
dies, i never lost files when i used fat32, but i want a unix
filesystem, so far i think ext3 is okay, but it has anyway brought me
some problems, and reiserfs did too, i wonder which is most stable due
to system power loss? i dont need any extreme performance or anything,
its just for movies and music, and other stuff like cd images

Regards, Redeeman
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