On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 14:48, Mauro Arnoldi wrote:
> 0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
> I have an ATI Radeon, I went to the site you suggested me and I saw:
> Important: Depending on which desktop you are going to install, you might want 
> to disable support for which desktops you are not using in /etc/make.conf. 
> Under the USE section, add -gnome -gtk if you are using KDE, or add -kde -qt 
> if you are going to use GNOME.
> If I want both? Is there a problem?

Hiya, yes, you can leave both enabled, that is not causing your problem.


The above forum thread goes into detail about getting a Radeon card
working correctly.  Stustill's post (4th post down) appears to be
useful.  Having not used an ati card before I can't help much myself.


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