On 12:55 Sat 10 Jan     , Mike Arrison wrote:
>     Recently, my emerge world has been getting really out of hand.  A week
> or two ago it wanted to install apache2 for no particular reason.  Now,
> among other things, it wants apache2, postgresql, php, metacity, and
> development-sources.  None of these are in /var/cache/edb/world or
> virtuals.
>     Below is the output of emerge -upvD world.  I frankly don't want any
> of the packages marked as 'N' (new).  I've tried a regenworld to no
> avail.  Where else should I be looking for these packages?

I've seen similar problems when using emerge -D. Eliminating that seemed
to solve the problem. Why?? Don't know.

Bill Roberts

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