On Mon, 26 Jan 2004, Eric Paynter wrote:
> Krikket said:
> > (Yes, I'm going to
> > be switching over to Gentoo on my server soon, but first I have to
> > figure these things out.
> What do you currently use that will transfer large files but won't
> run on gentoo?

I'm currently using vsftp, but that's only because it's what's "built in"
to Fedora.  Now that I"m building the system from scratch, I want to
choose a program that has more versatility -- vsftp just doesn't cut it
because it doesn't cope with name-based virtual hosting.

(I own pinkpistols.org|com|net, krick.us, and foobaz.net.  When I move the
pinkpistols stuff to my own machine, I don't want ftp.pinkpistols.org to
end up pointing at my personal file server...)


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