On Sun, 1 Feb 2004 18:36:25 -0500
Robert G. Waycott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Okay, okay ... well, like I said ... I run a dual-933 rig right now. I've been
> doing SMP for quite some time in Gentoo. Pretty proficient with it on a P3
> platform. Just curious how things might be different with P4 Xeons. However,
> since the box here is built with -march=pentium3, docs say that will only work
> with PentiumIII system. Thus, the docs seem to intimate that Pentium4s will
> not work. Though, I can see how this could not necessarily be the case. But
> why wouldn't I want to change over to -march=pentium4 ?? Will this break
> things or something? Won't the programs be a bit better optimized using
> pentium4 for arch?

>From '/etc/make.conf':

# PENTIUM4 will generate invalid SSE2 instructions; use 'pentium3' instead. #

Also, the performance gain when using pentium4 instead of pentium3 is minimal.

Dennis Freise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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