On Tue, Feb 03, 2004 at 03:58:02AM +0000, Stroller wrote:

> Peter,
> Others have posted that your maidir sub-folder structure is incorrect 
> for Courier. There is some, ahem, dispute about whether there is a 
> standard for this, so different authors of IMAP software choose to 
> implement it differently.
> On Feb 3, 2004, at 1:51 am, Peter Wu wrote:
> >... What's worse, Mozilla creates
> >Inbox and Inbox.Trash folders on the server somewhere that I cannot 
> >find
> >to delete them.
> >....
> >. How to delete the annoying Inbox and Inbox.Trash dirs added by 
> >Mozilla?
> >If you need me to post more information, please let me know. Thanks in 
> >advance!
> Could please you post the output of:
>    $ sudo grep -i maildir /etc/courier-imap/imapd
>    #Hardwire a value for ${MAILDIR}
>    MAILDIR=.Maildir

[EMAIL PROTECTED] peterwu # grep -i maildir /etc/courier-imap/imapd
#Hardwire a value for ${MAILDIR}

>    $ ls -la ~ | grep -i maildir
>    drwx------   43 stroller users        1504 Jan 17 23:47 .Maildir

[EMAIL PROTECTED] peterwu $ ls -la ~ | grep -i maildir
drwxr-xr-x    7 peterwu  users         176 Feb  3 09:00 .maildir

      (o o)       Peter Wu
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