On Tue, 2004-02-03 at 18:27, Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-02-03 at 17:28, Marshal Newrock wrote:
> > On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, Mark Knecht wrote:
> > 
> > > > How about just unmounting the disk and trying:
> > > >         dd if=/dev/cdrom of=EXILE_DISK_1.iso
> > > > perhaps? That'll give you an exact (and burnable) copy of the disk.
> > >
> > > Not a happy dd process...
> > >
> > > Gentoo2 root # dd if=/dev/cdrom of=EXILE_DISK_1.iso
> > > dd: reading `/dev/cdrom':Input/oupuut error
> > > 3304+0 records in
> > > 3304+0 records out
> > > Gentoo2 root #
> > 
> > That's correct.  You get an I/O error when it hits the end of the disk.
> > If you mount the .iso on loopback, you'll see it's complete.
> > 
> > readcd (which I think comes with cdrtools) also does a similar thing.
> That's really interesting. Can you explain 'mounting on loopback'? What
> is that? I only have one Linux book (Linux in a Nutshell) and it doesn't
> have loopback in the index.
> Anyway, if there's a chance that will work I'll do it again and write
> the CDR.
> Thanks!
> - Mark

Humm....On a CCR of Dynebolics that I wrote earlier this week I do not
get the Input/Output error, and I get an iso file whose size makes
sense. On this game CD the iso file size doesn't make sense... (to me

bash-2.05b$ ls -al EX
ls: EX: No such file or directory
bash-2.05b$ ls -al EX*
-rw-r--r--    1 mark     mark      1585152 Feb  3 18:30 EXILE_DISK_1.iso
bash-2.05b$ dd if=/dev/cdrom of=EXILE_DISK_1a.iso
dd: reading `/dev/cdrom': Input/output error
3096+0 records in
3096+0 records out
bash-2.05b$ ls -al EX*
-rw-r--r--    1 mark     mark      1585152 Feb  3 18:30 EXILE_DISK_1.iso
-rw-r--r--    1 mark     mark      1585152 Feb  3 18:31 EXILE_DISK_1a.iso
bash-2.05b$ dd if=/dev/cdrom of=DYNEBOLIC_DISK_1.iso
906848+0 records in
906848+0 records out
bash-2.05b$ ls -al DYNEBOLIC_DISK_1.iso 
-rw-r--r--    1 mark     mark     464306176 Feb  3 18:41 DYNEBOLIC_DISK_1.iso

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