On Tue, 2004-02-03 at 20:05, Mental Patient wrote:

> If  you're talking about backing up copy protected windows games... do 
> it in windows. I know of  no linux cdrecording software that properly 
> reproduces subchannel data.

Well, you may be a mental patient, but you're a smart mental patient!
> >   Am I dealing with copy protection, or is this something else?
> Probably.

Definitely. More in a minute..

> In addition to copying the subchannel data, you need to get the burning 
> software to reproduce it. Windows has clonecd and other software... 
> linux has no need for this. I guess if someone felt like writing it they 
> could, but I really dont know where to get docs on how to properly 
> implement it.
> If you have no clue what I'm talking about when I refer to subchannel 
> data, look here:
> http://www.cdfreaks.com/article/44/4

This was very helpful. Thanks for the pointers, both to this site, and
to CloneCD. After doing some reading at this site and Googling around a
bit, I eventually learned about a number of programs - CloneCD, Alcohol
120% and Blindwrite being the most popular. Apparently CloneCD is not
being developed much any more, and the Alcohol 120% site is very active,
so I gave it a try. After burning 2 coasters while learnnin to use the
program (and making it much more difficult than it had to be!) I got a
good copy in about 10 minutes of using the program correctly.

One very useful site is here


which give a good list of exactly what protection specific games are
using. Armed with this info you then know how to run Alcohol 120% using
its default settings and things jsut work.

> It should be noted that not all cd-r's can reproduce this data.

Very true I found out. Luckily all of mine have the capability to burn
subchannel data correctly, or appear to.

Again, thanks very much. While I wish I could do this in Linux, and
possibly will find I can one of these days, it's great to have this
working right now.


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