Grendel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Fri, 13 Feb 2004, Arne Vogel uttered the following immortal words,
>> TriKster Abacus wrote:
>> > Either way, these 2.6.X zealots are full of crap!
>> I could probably write a small essay over the difference between speed 
>> and responsiveness, but I think I'll just plonk you.
>> PS: "tar xjf linux-x.y.z.tbz2" made my system basically unusable for 
>> half a minute under 2.4.24. No longer under 2.6.1.
> Yes but it would have taken a longer time to complete.  Improved 
> resposiveness means that the cpu power must have been diverted away from 
> the tar process to other processes more in 2.6 than 2.4 right?

Yes.  Try using lower nice values for your ripping.

Matthew Kennedy
Gentoo Linux Developer
Bugs go to!

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