On Sun, Feb 15, 2004 at 09:00:01PM -0600, Joseph A. Nagy, Jr. wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> First the questions.
> Other then karamba-webcam, are there any programs in portage (emerge -s
> webcam came up with only karamba-webcam) to enable the viewing of video
> locally and through programs like Gnomemeeting?

I've used xawtv to view video locally, but have never found anything other
than Gnomemeeting for remote.  There was a java-based program - I think it
was called Palantir - that had a web interface, but the frame rate was
horrendusly slow - maybe good for security, but not for a home user's webcam.

> Do any of you folks recommend getting a Linux-based virus scanner? Since
> I'm doing some minor web hosting (mainly for Windows users) I've been
> thinking it might be a good idea but really am not sure if I should
> bother or not.

I've heard good things about ClamAV.  If you're just doing webhosting it
probably won't be a big deal, though.

> Another problem I'm having is getting my mail to be filtered through my
> procmailrc file (will attach if wanted). Any thoughts on how to get Exim
> (my MTA of choice) to invoke procmail? I also have SpamAssassin
> installed, is that overkill or what is possibly causing these problems?

You'll need a .forward file in your home directory that says
"|/usr/bin/procmail".  SpamAssassin isn't overkill, but neither it nor
procmail are being invoked.  I'd recommend that you put your SA rules near
the end; it'll speed up processing of mail that want sorted and don't expect
spam to, like this list.

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