Thanks for the advice. Forgive my ignorance (I'm new to these PIM tools
like calendars - I've used scraps of paper up 'till now :-), but when
you say you use other tools (mozilla/firefox/thunderbird calendar
extension) to edit it, does that have to happen on the same machine on
which your calendar resides, or can it be done remotely?


On Sat, 8 Jan 2005, YoYo Siska wrote:

Along these lines, can anyone recommend a gentoo-friendly web calendar, which would allow a small group of people to each have their own
calendar, and to optionally overlay one or more calendar on top of
another? For instance, my wife and I would maintain separate calendars,
but if I were trying to schedule an event with her, I might overlay hers
on mine to seen when we both were free.


iirc it's not in portage, but it instalation involvest just extracting it somewhere (plus setting .htacces maybe)

it works with ical files, either local, or on a webdav server, can display multiple ical files together.
But i don't know how goot is it at editing, because I use it just to display stuf and use mozilla/firefox/thunderbird calendar extension to edit it...


YoYo () Siska

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