On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 11:18:19 -0500, Dan Barr wrote:

> The solution was to set RC_DEVICE_TARBALL="yes" in /etc/conf.d/rc. I
> was running a full udev system, so I had set that option to no. But,
> with it set to no, each time I rebooted the machine, the /dev entries
> that vmware_config.pl created would get lost, hence the not configured
> message. Enabling the device tarball persists those /dev entries
> across reboots.

I fixed this by editing /etc/init.d/vmware and adding three lines to the
beginning of the start() function.

        rm -f /etc/vmware/not_configured
        [ -r /dev/vmnet0 ] || mknod -m 600 /dev/vmnet0 c 119 0
        [ -r /dev/vmnet8 ] || mknod -m 600 /dev/vmnet8 c 119 8

Neil Bothwick

What's the greatest world-wide use of cowhide? To hold cows together.

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