On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 18:21:22 -0500, Nicholas Pappas
>         Hello all.
>         I'm having a crisis of conscious at the moment.  I've been using 
> Gentoo
> for a while and I really like it, but the simple truth is I don't need
> the granularity that compiling the source for each update provides.
> That, and I don't fool myself into pretending I know enough to tune my
> USE (and per package USE) variable to make the source version any better
> then your average prebuilt P4 package.
>         Are there mirrors that offer binary versions for the P4 for each
> package?  I might have a few features built into apps that I might not
> need, or maybe have to juggle a few source distributions to make sure I
> get what I need, but a "mostly" pre-built repository would just make my
> updates so much better. :)

Just pick [ any | your favorite binary distro ]. After [ a few | many
] binary package upgrades you'll reach the desired (<g>) unstable
stage which is why the binary distros typically issue a new release to
keep everything working.

Otherwise, just run your compiles overnight or when you're having fun
browsing the net or ...., and worry less about electricity.


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