On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 22:09:17 -0800, John Coder
> I have been reading most of the emails sent to this list for the past
> couple of days because I plan to start my first attempt at installing
> my gentoo system. Is there any addvice from those who have completed
> this recently? It will be an amd 800 and I have been running suse for
> the past year with great success, and I have tried Feddora core 1 and
> previous versions of redhat.

1. Read the install doco thoroughly.
2. Don't think you can skip steps just because you have experience
with other distros. Please don't be offended. All too many try to get
clever with the installation steps.
3. With an AMD 800, compile times are going to be lengthy. You might
want a Stage 3 install and/or the precompiled binaries. After getting
a working system, then you can run the lengthy compiles while enjoying
your system.
4. Welcome aboard.

My $.02


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