On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 22:24:15 +1100
Ric de France <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 23:14:32 -0700, Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > 2. Don't think you can skip steps just because you have experience
> > with other distros. Please don't be offended. All too many try to
> > get clever with the installation steps.
> This is probably one of the most useful bits of advice I have ever
> heard of installing Gentoo. The only time I have ever stuffed up an
> install (and I've done a Gentoo install about half a dozen times) is
> when I've missed a step.
> When I get others to install, and they fail at installing, and ask for
> help... it always ends up with us going through the manual step by
> step, til we reach a point and they say "opps... missed this bit"...
> So for my small additions:
> 0. Print off the manual (sorry trees). Read the installation manual
> twice, cover to cover. Make small notes here and there if you need.
> 1. Have it printed and handy next to you while you're installing.
> Check off (or cross off) the steps as you do them. Follow the manual
> very closely. Don't stray, don't jump.

Or, in defence of trees, I _believe_ you can set the root password as
your _first_ step, then log into another terminal where the install docs
can be displayed and faithfully followed step-by-step. 


-- mike higgins

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