On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 17:11:09 +0000, Peng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Unfortunately, X or KDE (I don't know which one...) freezes fairly
> often... I can, of course, hit the reset button on the front of the
> computer, but that's not good a good thing to do. Is there anyything
> else I may be able to do? I don't want to lose data...
> Seems like
> either keyboard input is ignored, or the stuff projected to the screen
> completely freezes. Probably the second, since I can still move the
> mouse around. Just can't click anything, and icons and all don't change
> when I mouse-over them.

I've gotton a similar problem, when using an nvidia card with nvidia's
driver on a cheap motherboard. It had problems with AGP.

If you are using an nvidia card w/ nvidia driver, try adding the line
Option     "NvAGP" "0"
to your "Device" section, and see if that improves stability

> Hey... That gives me an idea. Think it could be that just video output
> is forzen, so I could hit Ctrl-Alt-F2 and log in as root and reboot or
> something?

You may be able to ssh in from another box and restart X to recover.

Calvin Walton

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