Hello Peter,

Friday, January 21, 2005, 2:28:27 PM, you wrote:

PK> What do mean with 'still no change'? What does the logs say (Xorg &
PK> system)? Do you use the built-in agp driver or the kernel one?

Well nothing seems to have changed, I still can't run tvtime and xawtv
still won't run in overlay mode. KDETV works in a small window but drops
frames and get jittery the larger the window is. I think I need 3D
acceleration but don't know how to implement it.

PK> I've attached my xorg.conf file which works for me, if you want to
PK> compare or use it (check it first).

I am going to try that now thank you very much. I best send this reply
first in case I cock anything up.

I've attached my xorg.conf if you fancy a look and maybe tell me what I've
missed or done wrong if anything.

The Bat!
Registered Linux user #316959
PGP Key http://www.theboomclan.com/pgp.txt

Attachment: xorg.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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