On Sun, Jan 23, 2005 at 05:22:26PM -0700, Nicolas Bailey wrote the following:
> Offhand, I believe FTP uses both ports 20 and 21 (by default). 
> Something along the lines of 21 managing the incoming connections and
> actual data flowing over 20 or somesuch (I wouldn't quote that or
> anything).  Do you have another machine internally so that you can
> rule out firewall/router issues?

I do, but it's currently in use by my sister.

BTW, could you folks quit top posting please. It's annoying the hell out of
me. ):

Joseph A. Nagy Jr.
AIM: pres CTHULHU | ICQ: 18115568 | Yahoo: pagan_prince | Jabber: 
Libertarian @ Large | PGP: 0xCF7EAA67 | < http://www.joseph-a-nagy-jr.us > | < 
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< http://games.joseph-a-nagy-ur.us >

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