1. force fans to run at max all the time
2. install speedstep or equiv and force cpu to lower speed
3. distcc/ccache
4. compile on an external box and do binary installs
5. use one of those laptop coolers that supply forced air
6. use a script that pauses the compile when temp goes above a certain

2. The speedstep does work on my dell - but temp gains do not seem much,
and of course perf drops right off

5. I am thinking of getting or rather building a laptop cooler with a
larger fan that will quietly pass more air than the noisy dell units

6. I used to use a script to pause seti on a desktop when temp got to
high - machine was in an uncooled room over an australian summer (rise
was 11C between seti on/off)


On Mon, 2005-01-24 at 12:51 +0800, mel wrote:
> Hi all,
> Question: What other things I can do to cool the CPU while emerging?
> Will using cpufreq/speedfreq helps?
> --mel
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
William Kenworthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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