On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 18:03:01 -0500
"Dave Nebinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I would Like to be informed if Nvidia driver is really working with
> > kernel-2.6.10-r6. In my case, the driver didn't worked...I receive the
> > error: No screen found from XServer. Before, I has kernel-2.6.9-r13 and
> > the same problem was there too.
> You'll hear differing opinions about the nvidia driver; many folks will tell
> you they work fine, and many folks (including myself) will tell you they
> don't.
> Before I dumped the nvidia card, my only working nvidia setup used an older
> linux driver from www.nvidia.com (the 6111 driver).
> I can tell you the nvidia module (whichever one you use) is sensitive to the
> settings in the xorg.conf file (i.e. dri should be disabled).
> Send us the /var/log/Xorg.0.log and the relevant sections of the xorg.conf
> file and we might be able to help identify the issue.  Also try some kernel
> modules from the www.nvidia.com site (shouldn't have to go back too far to
> find a working version).
> And don't forget to a) rebuild/install/emerge the working driver after a
> kernel install and b) modprobe nvidia when your system is starting but
> before X starts.

I find that after rebooting a new kernel, i need to re-emerge
nvidia-kernel and nvidia-glx, then manually modprobe nvidia.

on following reboots the nvidia modules gets loaded automatically.

> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list


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