if you have cable and your using a new ISP now, Besides the wasting of
bandwidth on the lists part does it really matter if they keep sending
email to your old isp email?

On Wed, 2005-02-02 at 19:52 -0500, Robert Crawford wrote:
> When I upgraded to cable, I tried to unsubscribe from my old account, which I 
> did twice exactly like the list home page instructed. I"m keeping the old ISP 
> a few weeks longer, but I visited it's webmail site, and I had literally 
> gotten almost 3000 emails from this list in 2-3 weeks. I had to laborously 
> delete them 50 at a time- took over an hour.
>  Apparently, the method of sending the list an unsubscribe email doesn't work 
> all the time.
> Any advice as to how to remedy this?  The old address is 
> If anyone who actually is in control of this list see's this, please 
> unsubscribe me at the above ISP, ASAP. I resubscribed with a new email and 
> new ISP.
> Thanks,
> Robert Crawford
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
Douglas James Dunn
cell: (724) 316-8266
Indiana University of Pennsylvania 

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