On Mon, 7 Feb 2005 09:13:20 +0100, Mariusz PÄkala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2005-02-06 20:19:58 +0000 (Sun, Feb), Martin Scharrer wrote:
> > On Sunday 06 February 2005 17:53, Collins Richey wrote:
> >
> > > [...] WinXP in its great
> > > wisdom (NOT) puts the Windows Swap file right in the middle of the
> > > partition, and that file is marked as unmovable, so with all the tools
> > > I'm aware of, you will only be able to get half of the space (starting
> > > right after the swap file) free for use as new partitions for Linux.
> > Because I don't had any problems to resize a 40GB Windows XP Home partition
> > down to 8GB on my Laptop.
> I managed to shrink 20GB into 7GB for XP on my laptop and I remember no
> troubles with that. I did it using only GNUish tools: sys-fs/ntfsprogs ,
> no PartitionMagic.
> As for the swapfile - you can always temporarily disable virtual memory
> in WinXP, reboot, test that WinXP is alive, repartition, reboot to
> WinXp, enable virtual memory and live happily ever after.

YMMV, I tried that, but WinXP still left an unmoveable file in the
middle of the disk even after turning off virtual memory. I'm not a
windows expert, so I don't have a clue what the file was. So, I was
left with the convenience of getting half the space freed quickly and
the inconvenience of some unused space in the WinXP partition.

Good luck.


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