Ed Jabbour ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) scribbled:
> After days of wrangling with /etc/wireless, I got it -- almost.  One problem 
> remains.  At boot, wlan0 sets up fine, but then dhcpcd fails, returning that 
> "dhcpcd is already running on wlan0".  Once booted, I must 
> remove /var/run/dhcpcd-wlan0.pid and then run dhcpcd.  I can't seem to find 
> what in the wirelss script is causing this and can't think of where else to 
> look.   Any advice appreciated.  Thanks.

It sounds like net.wlan0 isn't being shutdown cleanly.  When you
shutdown do you see wlan0 being brought down?  That is when that pid
lock file would be removed. 

Try shutting down net.wlan0 manually (/etc/init.d/net.wlan0 stop) and
either restart it or reboot.  Do you get the same error?

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