More or less the same results on my Gentoo laptop. I'm here now:

1) No changes in modules loaded
2) No /dev/v4l directory
3) Strange dmesg results:

usb 5-2: new high speed USB device using address 3
usb usb4: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb4: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb4: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb2: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb2: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb2: string descriptor 0 read error: -113

I didn't look at dmesg before I plugged it in so maybe these were here
earlier. I don't know. The device is visible in usbview:

Inst Video Album +
Manufacturer: Pinnacle
Speed: 480Mb/s (high)
USB Version:  2.00
Device Class: 00(>ifc )
Device Subclass: 00
Device Protocol: 00
Maximum Default Endpoint Size: 64
Number of Configurations: 1
Vendor Id: 2304
Product Id: 0302
Revision Number:  0.00

Config Number: 1
        Number of Interfaces: 1
        Attributes: c0
        MaxPower Needed: 100mA

        Interface Number: 0
                Name: (none)
                Alternate Number: 0
                Class: ff(vend.) 
                Sub Class: 0
                Protocol: 0
                Number of Endpoints: 4

and then more stuff.When I disconnect it I see this in dmesg:

usb 5-2: USB disconnect, address 3
usb usb4: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb4: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb4: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb2: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb2: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb2: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb1: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb1: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb1: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb4: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb4: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb4: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb2: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb2: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb2: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb1: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb1: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb1: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
flash mark $ 

Doesn't look very good. (!!) ;-)

Plugging it back in I get:

usb 5-2: new high speed USB device using address 4
usb usb4: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb4: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb4: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb2: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb2: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb2: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb1: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb1: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb1: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb4: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb4: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb4: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb2: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb2: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb2: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb1: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb1: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
usb usb1: string descriptor 0 read error: -113
flash mark $

I'll do an emerge sync and make sure nothing is way out of date.

I'm not sure what I should be looking for in my kernel's .config file:

flash linux # cat .config | grep VIDEO
# CONFIG_VIDEO_BT848 is not set
# CONFIG_VIDEO_PMS is not set
# CONFIG_VIDEO_W9966 is not set
# CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA is not set
# CONFIG_VIDEO_SAA5246A is not set
# CONFIG_VIDEO_SAA5249 is not set
# CONFIG_VIDEO_SAA7134 is not set
# CONFIG_VIDEO_MXB is not set
# CONFIG_VIDEO_DPC is not set
# CONFIG_VIDEO_CX88 is not set
flash linux # cat .config | grep V4   
flash linux # 

Thanks much,

On Apr 4, 2005 5:20 PM, Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 4, 2005 4:54 PM, Nick Rout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I assume it is a video for linux (v4l) or v4l2 driver, in which case
> > when the modules loads it should create a device called something like
> > /dev/v4l/video0
> Humm...could that be a problem? I'll have to look and see if Video for
> Linux is even compiled.
> >
> > What is the module that gets loaded when you plug the thing in anyway?
> > (lsmod before and after should tell you)
> OK, the Gentoo laptop is in Win XP doing Pro Tools work at the moment
> so I'll try this first on an FC2 machien sitting here. Maybe it will
> tell me enough to make forward progress.
> On this machine I see no change in lsmod before and after plugging the
> device in.
> >
> > Take a look around in the /dev directory, and look at dmesg and your
> > kernel logs when you plug the device in.
> From the end of dmesg:
> usb 1-7: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 7
> There is apparently no /dev/v4l directory on this box:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] dev]$ ls /dev/v4l
> ls: /dev/v4l: No such file or directory
> There is a /dev/video0
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] dev]$ ls /dev/v
> Display all 152 possibilities? (y or n)
> vbi        vcs24      vcs44      vcs7       vcsa26     vcsa46     vcsa9
> vbi0       vcs25      vcs45      vcs8       vcsa27     vcsa47     video
> vbi1       vcs26      vcs46      vcs9       vcsa28     vcsa48     video0
> vbi2       vcs27      vcs47      vcsa       vcsa29     vcsa49     video1
> vbi3       vcs28      vcs48      vcsa1      vcsa3      vcsa5      video1394
> vcs        vcs29      vcs49      vcsa10     vcsa30     vcsa50     video2
> vcs1       vcs3       vcs5       vcsa11     vcsa31     vcsa51     video3
> vcs10      vcs30      vcs50      vcsa12     vcsa32     vcsa52     vmmon
> vcs11      vcs31      vcs51      vcsa13     vcsa33     vcsa53     vnet0
> vcs12      vcs32      vcs52      vcsa14     vcsa34     vcsa54     vnet1
> vcs13      vcs33      vcs53      vcsa15     vcsa35     vcsa55     vnet2
> vcs14      vcs34      vcs54      vcsa16     vcsa36     vcsa56     vnet3
> vcs15      vcs35      vcs55      vcsa17     vcsa37     vcsa57     vpcmouse
> vcs16      vcs36      vcs56      vcsa18     vcsa38     vcsa58     vsys
> vcs17      vcs37      vcs57      vcsa19     vcsa39     vcsa59     vttuner
> vcs18      vcs38      vcs58      vcsa2      vcsa4      vcsa6      vtx
> vcs19      vcs39      vcs59      vcsa20     vcsa40     vcsa60     vtx0
> vcs2       vcs4       vcs6       vcsa21     vcsa41     vcsa61     vtx1
> vcs20      vcs40      vcs60      vcsa22     vcsa42     vcsa62     vtx2
> vcs21      vcs41      vcs61      vcsa23     vcsa43     vcsa63     vtx3
> vcs22      vcs42      vcs62      vcsa24     vcsa44     vcsa7
> vcs23      vcs43      vcs63      vcsa25     vcsa45     vcsa8
> Maybe FC2 is a bit different.
> >
> > xawtv is probably the simplest front end to see that you are in fact
> > picking up a video signal.
> Need to boot the Gentoo laptop now. xawtv is not on this machien either...
> Back in a few...
> Cheers,
> Mark
> > --
> > Nick Rout
> > Barrister & Solicitor
> > Christchurch
> Ah...Christchurch...I love that town.
> - MWK
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