> 1. Emerge with a time delay, so that one can specify big emerge tasks
> for say midnight for proper bandwidth usage etc. I know you can do this
> with a combination of utilites (such as cron) but it would be neat to
> have it as part of emerge.

This is not windows where every application includes the kitchen sink.  Cron
is the defacto method of scheduling tasks; any attempt to mimic cron
functionality (or a subset thereof) means trying to maintain a code base for
which a perfectly good tool already exists to handle.

My systems perform their 'emerge --sync' steps via a cron task that I have
scheduled to run at night; why try to rework that into portage somehow?

And for emerge tasks that don't require a formal cron scheduling, 'at' works
just as well to get them done.
> 2. Background downloading, of packages while emerge compiles other
> packages. For example when I am compiling something huge like GNome,
> while a package like GTK is being compiled, emerge should be clever and
> download the next package and save time.

This, as well, can be handled via the same cron task used to 'emerge
--sync'.  Add an 'emerge --update --deep --fetchonly world' and you get all
of the packages pre-downloaded and ready to build when you are prepared to
update the system.

Since I have multiple gentoo systems, I use http-replicator as the http
proxy for portage; all of the systems hit the proxy for package files so I
only have to perform the download from the net once to keep the entire
internal network up to date.

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