> > Well there's the indication of your problem.  Apparently your system
> thinks
> > that the packets coming in from eth0 need to go to ppp0 rather than
> eth1.
> > Sounds like your routing tables are kinda hosed up.
> eth0 is lan card for LAN, eth1 is for modem.
> >
> > What's the output of "route -v"?
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use
> Iface
> loop-cs1.elcat. *      UH    0      0        0
> ppp0
>     *        U     0      0        0
> eth0
> loopback        localhost       UG    0      0        0 lo
> default         loop-cs1.elcat.         UG    0      0        0
> ppp0

Well, Askar, that is definitely your problem.

Your routing table thinks that packets destined for 192.168.* are to be
directed to the ppp0 interface rather than eth1.

Try the following as root:

  # route add -net netmask dev eth1

If I have my syntax right it should route incoming packets to the eth1
interface rather than ppp0 (although the mask might not be right in that should be the local box rather than an intranet box; perhaps
someone out there could offer a little more assistance here).

Route -v should now report the path to eth1.

After that is corrected, incoming packets should be able to get through to
the windows box; either that or the logs should report a different message
for dropped incoming packets.


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