On 5/9/05, Walter Dnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Clutching at straws here...
>   - is iptables blocking anything according to its logfile?
>   - don't know if this applies to nfsd, but I've run into some builds of
>     sshd which would not work without an appropriate entry in
>     /etc/hosts.allow... *EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT RUNNING INETD*.

   Thanks for the response. At this time the server is not running
iptables, or any firewall I know of:

dragonfly mark # rc-update show
           alsasound |      default
             apcupsd |      default
            bootmisc | boot
             checkfs | boot
           checkroot | boot
               clock | boot
            coldplug | boot
         consolefont | boot
         crypto-loop |
               cupsd |      default
          domainname |      default
              esound |
                famd |
            firebird |
            gkrellmd |
                 gpm |
                halt |
              hdparm |
            hostname | boot
             hotplug |      default
             keymaps | boot
               lircd |      default
              lircmd |
               local |      default nonetwork
          localmount | boot
             modules | boot
               mysql |
         mythbackend |
            net.eth0 |      default
              net.lo | boot
           net.wlan0 |
            netmount |      default
                 nfs |      default
            nfsmount |
                nscd |
                ntpd |      default
             numlock |
             portmap |      default
           rmnologin | boot
              rsyncd |
               samba |
              serial | boot
               spamd |
                sshd |      default
              svscan |
           syslog-ng |      default
             urandom | boot
          vixie-cron |      default
                 xdm |      default
dragonfly mark #

Boy, I hope the formatting of that is better for others than it is for
me in GMail! Anyway, I think the right stuff is running, and that
nothing is running that would get in the way, but again, I know I'm
missing something here.

Thanks for looking.

- Mark

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