On Wed, 18 May 2005, Pingveno wrote:

> If a Gentoo system uses entirely stable packages, upgrades are a simple
> command away. But then you have to wait hours, even days, for much of
> the system to be recompiled. It's more than most users would tolerate.
> There are reasons many roll their eyes when they see someone spend hours
> on a KDE install.

Surely that depends on your hardware...

> Gentoo is an excellent distro, with one of the most comprehensive
> repositories of packages of any Linux distribution. It is powerful and
> excellently constructed. But to say maintenance and upgrading is easy is
> like saying Windows is as suitable as Unix/Linux in a server
> environment. It's just not true and realistic.

Depends what yardstick you are comparing against - if you've never had to
maintain RH boxes for instance you wouldn't know how much easier Gentoo
really is.


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